What is Mereka Connect?

What is Mereka Connect?

Written by Eu-Gene Teo
Last update: Thursday, Oct 12, 2023

In this article you'll learn the very basics of Mereka Connect - what it is, who it’s for, how it works and what makes us stand out from the rest.

A quick overview

Mereka Connect, in its simplest form, is a booking platform meets knowledge center. Developed by a team with years of experience in operating a makerspace coupled with passion for tech-driven social innovation and education, Mereka Connect was born from the realization that a lack of accessibility to resources and expertise was severely hindering ideation and innovation. 

Who is Mereka Connect for?

On the Mereka Connect platform you will see two terms used in abundance: Users and Hubs.

Users are individuals who wish to develop new skills, connect with peers and expand their horizons. From students to entrepreneurs to hobbyists, absolutely everyone can be a user and find something that suits their needs and interests! To understand more about how Mereka Connect can accelerate your learning or upskilling journey, please click here.

An equally perfect place for Hubs of all shapes and sizes, Mereka Connect effectively maximizes potential by managing underutilized and latent resources, optimizing operations and fostering a community where creativity and innovation thrives. This is made possible through the platform's host of meticulously crafted features which are designed to integrate seamlessly within existing management systems. To understand how Mereka Connect can help your business grow and scale, read this.

How does Mereka Connect work?

There are two core services which currently can be offered via Mereka Connect: Experiences and Spaces.

It's very simple - verified Hubs can host Experiences (e.g. workshops, talks or events) and list Spaces (e.g. makerspaces, art studios or co-working spaces) on the platform. To facilitate the process, Hub admins can invite their team members (referred to as Experts) to manage the services they list. Learn more about onboarding as a Hub here.

At the same time, registered users can browse through and book these Experiences and Spaces. This is their chance to upskill, reskill, gain new knowledge or simply have fun! Learn more about booking services on Mereka Connect here.

What makes Mereka Connect stand out?

There is no direct alternative to Mereka Connect in terms of unlocking underutilized resources and minimizing the gap in their accessibility. Our platform is comprehensive, interactive and user-friendly, making it a one-stop solution for realizing innovative ideas, upskilling, and building a global network of creatives and entrepreneurs.

Mereka Connect isn't simply a booking management tool - it is a community building and community empowerment tool. We cater to the creative industry and keen users of all backgrounds looking to expand their skill set and find their creative outlet across Malaysia and beyond.

Apart from booking and workflow management tools, we offer extended support to our community by providing free resources.

Mereka Connect is truly as powerful as you want it to be - the opportunities are endless!

Basics of Mereka Connect

6 articles in this category.
Written by Mohamad Thaqif and Eu-Gene Teo.